I take charge of the specialized production knitting craft product, the product select the nature natural material, the utilization tradition manual knitting technology exquisite processing, the up-to-date styling, the collection usability, ornamental, the collection in a body, but widely uses in place and so on family, work, commercial location, hotel, conference exhibition hall ornaments, has certain use value and the collection value. The main product includes: The iron wire product, the cane product, the bamboo ware, the paper cloth product, the cotton fabric product, the bead play the part and so on 3000 many kinds of products. <dnt> </dnt> Corporation is holding: ˇ°the heavy contract, defends the credit, stresses the qualityˇ± the management idea. Implements the design, the production, the export integration service, for merchant most competitive price, win customers, wins the market. Simultaneously welcome the processing with provided samples |